
A donation was made in memory of Mama by Doctors and Staff of the Spencer Springs Animal Hosp on Nov 23, 2010.

Thank you for notifying me of Dr. Pennell's donation in honor of Mama.

I will never forget her and the way she always wanted my milk after I ate my cereal. She knew it was coming and would patiently wait.

When she got sick, my brother had been staying with us and he struck up a relationship with her that I know helped her deal with her pain, and his for that matter. The night she passed, my youngest female cat, sat by the box we placed her in and guarded her until morning.

Mama had a litter of kittens 13 years ago, and while 2 died, 1 survived and stayed with the family. In the days after her passing, he seemed depressed and confused. This only goes to show, she was not only loved by us but the
other pets as well. (2 dogs and 5 cats). Rest in peace Mama kitty, you fought until

the very end. We love you and miss you.

Thank you,

Janie K.

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