A donation was made in memory of Cooper by
Drs. Burhenn and King at Feline Medical Clinic on
Jun 01, 2022.
Sly Cooper was the best kitty. He was a snow shoe Siamese. He was born to a feral momma who had slowly started making friends with me. She had had a early summer litter, which we gave to the human society. However, when she gave birth to a second litter with only two survivors, Cooper and his sister Sophie, we decided to keep them. It took many years to gain their full confidence. I think they thought we were going to eat them. After a lot of patience we won our little kitties over. Cooper never had a claw out, even during bath time. Cooper used to lay on my back when I was sleeping n purr n eat my hair. He was my kitty n I was his Human. He was such a funny boy. He also would fetch n bring back his toys. One way we got our kitty to come into bed with us was to go fishing for kitties. We would throw a long rope out and than slowly pull it to us at bed time. Soon our babies were cuddling with us, without the rope. I'm bawling as I write this because the world is dark without this amazing little soul in it. I really wish we could have found what was killing my baby. Unfortunately, had to make the terrible decision to say goodbye. I love u so much Cooper and I pray that we will play n cuddle again. My forever best friend.