
A donation was made in memory of Buddy by Doctors and Staff at North Pole Veterinary Hospital on May 12, 2014.

In August of 2012 my husband, Keith, and I adopted Buddy, an eight month old husky mix, from the Salk County Humane Society in Wisconsin. At eight months old Buddy had already been to two other homes, as he's a husky and loves to run! We were ready to give him his final forever home!
Buddy was the sweetest little guy with the biggest personality, not a mean bone in his body - always talking away. We could literally hold whole conversations with him!
In November, Keith and I ended up having to move to Fairbanks, Alaska (as he's in the Army)...of course Buddy came with! All was going so well, he absolutely adored the long, cold and snowy winter and loved our acre fenced in backyard to run and run and run!
But that all changed on 5 July 2013 when I noticed his left eye was very red. I called our amazing vet and she and I both agreed it was most likely due to his eyes being irritated from the smoke in the air due to large surrounding forest fires. The next day not only was his left eye worse but his right eye was red too. We got him into the vet within the next 48 hours and he had already lost all his sight in his left eye...shortly after he was completely blind.
After that our awesome vet, who I cannot say enough good things about, diagnosed Buddy with VKH Syndrome, a very rare autoimmune disease. For the next ten months we had Buddy on a very large array of medicines, including Prednisone, steroid eye drops and many more. At the worst time he was on eight different meds. He continued to have "flare ups" about every month. We were determined not to give up on him...his personality was still there and he was still loving life.
However, in May Buddy had a flare up that consisted of a very bad skin infection. He had three very large open wounds on his back that would simply not heal. This skin infection took away the personality and the Buddy we once knew. He became very lethargic and sad...and we all felt that he was ready. His body could not take anymore. So on 10 May 2014 we made the very difficult decision to put Buddy to rest. He lived a short life, but I feel Buddy brought many things to our lives. He never once was angry, mean or upset (not even at the vet clinic, in fact he LOVED it there). Buddy taught us all to love everyone and live life to the fullest and not to let anything get you down...from being bloated to going blind. He was truly an amazing little guy and we miss him greatly. He brought much joy to us and he will never be forgotten.

Lauren H.

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