
A donation was made in memory of Sami by the doctors and staff at Crestwood Animal Hospital on May 28, 2020.

A few things I remember about Sami when I first brought her home from the shelter: 1) Anytime I sat down she wanted to sit next to me, but never on my lap. Always next to me. 2) She tolerated only about 5 seconds of being held before she wanted down. 3) She had no fear. She stared down a vacuum cleaner like I've never seen a cat do! As time passed she realized the comfort of a good lap. When she heard that recliner go back it didn't matter where she was in the house, I knew in less than 30 seconds I'd have a cat on my lap whether I wanted her there or not! Outside she was my dog-cat. When I worked in my garden she was right there with me. Followed my everywhere and kept herself cool by laying in my shadow. If I moved 3 feet, she moved 3 feet. Man I loved that cat!

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