
A donation was made in memory of Ebony by Doctors and Staff of the not recorded on Mar 10, 2009.

Ebony was the best thing I have ever had; we were together for 15 years. I miss him so much.

He would let me know when the paper was there or mail, and had to bring both in the house himself. When I got Mary Kay stuff he went nuts! It came in a yellow package - he knew it had something in it for him, so he was the one to bring it in the house. Then on Sunday, he wanted to bring in the church paper. When I went some place, he was always at the door to kiss and love me when I came home - that I really miss.

Now there is no Eb at the door, or at my side when I'm sick - to take my blanket off me to get me up in the morning. There are so many things he did. I miss him so much - his bring brown eyes!

Mary Ann W.

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