
A donation was made in memory of Magic by Colleen Hastings on Nov 06, 2017.

A Magical Cat A stray cat showed up, in need of a nibble. This one was different, craved loves more than kibble. We’d give him some pets, then a few bites to eat. He’d say thanks, vamoose, and be gone for 2 weeks. After several encores of his ‘disappearing act’ We started calling him that “Magical cat.”

One really cold day we offered a towel in a box Wondering if he’d adopt us and 2 cats - or not. The cats worked out details, and Dale and I knew This nice friendly cat would be joining our crew.

We got him a collar, added tags and a bell He was happy to wear it, he thought it was swell! He wanted to please, came to a bell we would ring, In all of his days didn’t do a single bad thing. He always was smiling, and constantly purring A hard working helper, four footed and furry.

So much like a dog in a lot of his habits, Once offered up a fine catch of a rabbit. Purred goodbye every morning, knew what time we’d be back, Waited by the front door - like a good “puppy-cat.” Slept at the foot of the bed, wouldn’t sleep in the middle, He was leery of strangers (more than a little.) He took plenty of meds, took them like a champ, (Never heard of another cat who would tolerate that.) The last years of his life he went to Waitts Lake, He loved going so much he’d pack himself in his crate. (And meowed that a cheeseburger for lunch would be great.)

A Maine Coon in appearance, off balance mustache. A big M on his head, furry “wings” on his back. Purr-ennially cheerful, always purring a song, With the sweetest meow helping him get along.

He shared millions and millions of comforting purrs, I treasure my memories of his sweet smelling fur. From the very first night, snuggled up in that box He starting wrapping his tail, very tight, ‘round our hearts.

RIP Mr. Magic Mar 2004 - Oct 30, 2017

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