
A donation was made in memory of Chowzer by the doctors and staff at Green Lake Animal Hospital on Jul 20, 2017.

Chowzer came into my life at the Everett Animal Shelter, on his last day of having a chance to be adopted. So I took him home. Over the 12 years he was with me he was a best friend, a loyal buddy, a caring companion, and I always slept well knowing the household was protected.

Chowzer was quite the escape artist and would run off when he felt like it, reminding me that he only stuck around to be kind to me. His favorite activity when he ran off was to pee on new interesting shrubs and chase geese, ducks, or squirrels. He was just so happy doing this it was hard to begrudge him these moments.

His last Christmas Day hike on Rattlensnake Ridge trail he got loose off his leash and had the time of his life running around socializing with the other hikers while rolling in the snow and being a general goofball. I did not know at the time that that would be his last Christmas, and I'm glad he got the gift of freedom that day.

I imagine he's running free, wherever is it that dogs go, hopefully the same place we go because I miss him. I imagine that in this place he gets to run without pain, and free of leashes and silly human rules. This place has trees that grow pizza slices and cheese sticks, and has really slow squirrels.

Chowzer was the most intelligent dog I've encountered and my life was so much better because he was a part of it. He was always there for me, knowing what sweet empathetic thing to do when things were down, and always happy to share in life when things were good. He reminded me how amazing life is, and every day he showed me how to exuberantly embrace every moment of it, even the little things. I really miss him, he was such a good buddy.

Run free, Chowzer... run free...

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