
A donation was made in memory of Bronco on May 02, 2015.

Bronco joined our family a few weeks after 9/11, when we all needed healing after the events of that day. He had the head and feet of a year-old dog, but the rest of him matched his 3-month age. Lynn wasn't a "dog person" but couldn't resist the sweet smile and bright merled eyes.

Bronco quickly taught us what a herder does... he herds everything! The cat, the vacuum, the lawn mower, the leaf blower. He rarely barked, but "yodeled" a lot - he was quite the singer, and greeted us every evening with a joyful song and dance. It didn't matter how bad the day had been - Bronco immediately made it better.

Everyone loved sweet Bronco - even people who didn't like dogs. Except for the roofer who stole a whole salmon from our freezer... Bronco let us know right away that he didn't like that guy!

Bronco gave us 13-1/2 years of joy and unconditional love. He finally slowed down the last year of his life, and eventually grew so miserable with a big mast cell tumor that we had to say goodbye to him in February 2015. The wonderful vets at Sacajawea Healthcare for Pets took care of him most of his life, through bouts of pancreatitis and the tumors and, finally, giving him (and us) a beautiful and peaceful end.

Bronco will be forever in our hearts, and thanks to his wonderful example of canine goodness, Lynn is now a dog person!

Mark & Lynn

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Additional donations made in Bronco's name

  • Scott Hogman – 5/4/2015
    Comments: Bronco was one of the sweetest doggies ever, and I was blessed to spend time with him before he moved on to doggie heaven. What a wonderful boy he was, he helped me to heal from personal challenges I was experiencing at the time. I will always cherish my memories of Bronco.