A donation was made in memory of Mick by
Doctors and Staff of the Ravenna Animal Hospital on
Jun 19, 2013.
The Last Poop Patrol
Our neighbor, Greg, saw me in our back yard as I searched for doggy land mines with the scooper in hand. It's amazing how significant the most mundane tasks become when you realize you're doing them for the last time. Greg told me how sorry he was to hear the news.
My buddy Mick died unexpectedly Friday morning. He had gone out early on his dawn patrol and bathroom break, and he didn't come back. When he wasn't waiting for me to make his breakfast I went looking for him. I can't describe the shock both Joyce and I felt when we found him. We had gone on a good walk and we rough-housed in the living room the night before. He was smug about manipulating us into exchanging treats for high 5's, a new trick he was learning. Everything was typical and perfectly normal. Now, suddenly, robust and indestructible Mick is gone.
Our vets (friends) examined him and concluded that it was most likely some kind of cardiac event… cardiac arrest, stroke, or blood clot, and that it was sudden. He burned bright his whole life and winked out without warning. I both envy and feel sorry for people who don't have dogs… envy because they avoid a shockingly painful hole in their life when their dog goes, and sorry because they will never know the companionship, loyalty, and comfort that is so rewarding while they are with us. In fact, I'm kind of pissed at Mickey for not being here now when we need his patient empathy the most.
We will miss Mick's exuberance and enthusiasm. With Mick everything was up front, with no holding back. He gave his affection without reserve, and made it impossible not to return it in kind. Like all dogs he was incapable of slyness or deceit. No wonder dogs make perfect friends. Joyce and I have talked about Mick's big personality and all the positive things we learned from him in our years together and vow to try hard to live up to the high standard he set for us in our other relationships. Mickey's passing is another sharp and painful reminder that life is transient and unpredictable and we need to share ourselves and our love at every opportunity because you never know…