A donation was made in memory of Bandit by
the doctors and staff at Yakima Valley Veterinary Clinic on
May 22, 2020.
Our wonderful fur baby’s 4 ½ month battle, with B-Cell lymphoma ended February 2nd, just shy of his 13th birthday. It was hard fought and we did everything possible with all options available, but his body was worn out from Chemo and all the changes that come along with it. We were hoping a miracle was in the cards, but it was not. Our hearts are broken in a million pieces………he was my precious boy……I called him my “Bud”, “My Young Man”, “My little Munchkin…….his name was Bandit\Bandito. He was the kindest of souls and my constant shadow. Bandit, I will miss you peeking thru the doors when you found me, your beautiful big brown eyes that showed the love you had in your heart for us, pulling the covers off me in the morning when you wanted me to get up, lying beside me at bedtime and traveling on my lap when we traveled.
Even though our hearts are broken, we will never forget the love he gave our family. Those who have raised, loved and lost a pet know the emotion of grief and sorrow and how deep and consuming it can be. Thankfully, we have another fur baby at home to lessen some of the pain. I’m sure she will experience loss also even though she was the boss of him. So for all those with fur babies at home…….love them, play with them, comfort them and care for them before their short life is gone. They give us their devotion and unconditional love and in turn they make OUR lives better each and every day, no matter what our flaws may be. Good Bye my little Fur Angel……….hope to see you again in heaven if I am lucky enough to make it there.