A donation was made in memory of Bobby on Apr 01, 2011.
In Loving Memory of Bobby
Bobby will always be loved and remembered. He was a precious member of our family for 18 wonderful years. Named for his fascinating bob-tail, Bobby had a special life that touched the hearts of so many people. He was born on our anniversary in Hawaii from a litter of an abandoned Calico who lovingly weaned him and his sister through the first month of their lives. From day one, Bobby brought love and smiles to our military family of six who missed the love of our human relatives on the mainland. He was the ‘king cat’ in our family sporting a tough spiked black-leather collar, but often showed his love of our family and his sister, Sissy, just like a father does for his own family. Bobby had a charisma about him that spread happiness to everyone he met.
You couldn’t keep Bobby down. Bobby was part of our military family and traveled everywhere with us. He would join us at the end of his harness and leash for long walks through Hawaiian banana groves, waterfalls, and along historic Kole Kole pass where many dogs would never dare to go. He braved airplane and car trips as his family moved throughout the United States from coast to coast. He endured snow, tornadoes, hurricanes, and extreme heat as he set up home at nine different locations during his life. His unplanned neighborhood excursions at every new location would strike fear into our hearts that he would be lost forever, but everyone in the family always worked together to bring him home. I think he thrived on the excitement of change and new experiences. But through it all, he never stopped loving us or life . . . and our family loved him all the more, everyday.
We will never forget Bobby. He has left a treasured impression on our lives. He will forever be cherished in our hearts. We will never forget our Bobby! God keep you and may you find rest!
- Jo Ann, David, and family
Dave & JoAnn N.
Bobby will always be loved and remembered. He was a precious member of our family for 18 wonderful years. Named for his fascinating bob-tail, Bobby had a special life that touched the hearts of so many people. He was born on our anniversary in Hawaii from a litter of an abandoned Calico who lovingly weaned him and his sister through the first month of their lives. From day one, Bobby brought love and smiles to our military family of six who missed the love of our human relatives on the mainland. He was the ‘king cat’ in our family sporting a tough spiked black-leather collar, but often showed his love of our family and his sister, Sissy, just like a father does for his own family. Bobby had a charisma about him that spread happiness to everyone he met.
You couldn’t keep Bobby down. Bobby was part of our military family and traveled everywhere with us. He would join us at the end of his harness and leash for long walks through Hawaiian banana groves, waterfalls, and along historic Kole Kole pass where many dogs would never dare to go. He braved airplane and car trips as his family moved throughout the United States from coast to coast. He endured snow, tornadoes, hurricanes, and extreme heat as he set up home at nine different locations during his life. His unplanned neighborhood excursions at every new location would strike fear into our hearts that he would be lost forever, but everyone in the family always worked together to bring him home. I think he thrived on the excitement of change and new experiences. But through it all, he never stopped loving us or life . . . and our family loved him all the more, everyday.
We will never forget Bobby. He has left a treasured impression on our lives. He will forever be cherished in our hearts. We will never forget our Bobby! God keep you and may you find rest!
- Jo Ann, David, and family
Dave & JoAnn N.